
Operation title

Innovative solutions in cultivation, storage and putting on the market of the Polish potato variety highly resistant to Phytophthora infestans

Total budget


Sources of the funds

- Cooperation, Rural Development Programme 2014 – 2020 (including resources from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development EAFRD and funds from the state budget)

- Consortium members' internal funds

Operation goals

The main goal of the operation is the popularization of pro-environmental, innovative solutions in agriculture, through the development of dedicated technology and storage methods as well as marketing for a variety of potato 'Gardena' highly resistant to Phytophthora infestans. The following solutions will be developed:

The ecological technology of seed potatoes

focused on the reduction of diseases occurrences in the growing season and the maximization of seed potatoes yield,

The conventional technology of seed potatoes

including optimization of a shoot's number and reduction of diseases in the growing season,

The ecological technology of potato for food purposes

including methods of stress effects mitigation and plant health maintenance to maximize the size and the quality of tuber yield,

The conventional technology of potato for food purposes

including optimization of nitrogen fertilization, density of shoots, protection against diseases, and stress effects mitigation methods,

The technology of tuber storage

using environment-friendly hydrogen peroxide stabilized with silver or a natural preparation based on a grapefruit extract for seed potatoes disinfection in order to reduce storage diseases and maintain high-quality seed potatoes,

Dedicated marketing strategy

based on entities cooperation (scientific, advisory institutions, farmers, and entrepreneurs) in the supply chain, using a multi-faceted market analysis of producers and consumers, innovative solutions for potatoes in ecological and conventional cultivation and in storage.

Benefits of implementing operation's results

worek ziemniaków


Thanks to new technologies of potato resistant to Phytophthora infestans (conventional and ecological, for purpose of seed potatoes and food) it will be possible to improve the efficiency of production, expand trade areas and gain a competitive advantage.

Breeders/storage owners

New environment-friendly storage technologies that reduce the occurrence of diseases and increase the storage life of seed potatoes will allow to limit damages, and decrease pesticide usage.

przechowywanie ziemniaków
planowanie strategii

All entities
in the supply chain

Application of a comprehensive marketing strategy involving farmers, entrepreneurs, advisory and scientific institutions in the promotion of pro-environmental solutions in potatoes cropping and storage will improve recognition, credibility, and competitiveness on the market.


Implementation of pro-environmental cropping and storage technologies as well as an integrated marketing strategy including analysis of consumers' needs and preferences will increase access to desired food quality and will facilitate its origin recognition.

ziemniaki Gardena na talerzu